Brush up your acoustic knowledge with HBK
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Posted to News on 2nd Aug 2023, 12:00

Brush up your acoustic knowledge with HBK

Brush up your acoustic knowledge with HBK

HBK has launched its autumn webinar calendar, which offers a range of topics from general acoustic, environmental and occupational noise to more specialised product training.

The first session in September provides owners of HBK’s BK CONNECT software an overview of the system. Delegates will learn how to build their own analyser chain and link these into a working process.

To complement the launch of HBK’s latest sound level meters – Type 2245 and Type 2255 – an Introduction to 2245 and 2255 webinar will take place in September. These state-of-the-art instruments offer a new way of working, having been designed with partnered IOS apps, for use in the field and all new PC software back at the office.

During October, HBK will run ‘An Introduction to Environmental Measurement with Type 2245/2255’, providing an overview on how to use these meters standalone or with the Enviro Noise IOS and PC apps.

As occupational noise assessments are a legal requirement in many different workplace environments, the company will hold ‘An Introduction to Measuring Workplace Noise with Type 2245’, to show how this meter provides a complete, focused toolset for measuring occupational noise to ISO 9612. Attendees will learn how to setup of projects, capture measurement data and create reports.

Later on in autumn, HBK will hold ‘An Introduction to Measuring Sound Power with Type 2245/2255’. Sound power is used to understand the acoustic output of a device, which is crucial for those involved with R&D, certification, and end of line testing. This session will show delegates how the company’s Product Noise Partner, in combination with the sound level meter Type 2245, can help calculate pressure-based sound power on a device under test.

For those who are new to HBK’s other sound level meters or looking for a refresher, ‘Introduction to Sound Level Meters Type 2250 and 2270’ provides an overview of these meters’ various measurement capabilities, plus setup and measurement demonstrations.

There will also be a ‘Sound Intensity with 2270’ webinar, which includes an introduction to the theory of Sound Intensity, alongside setup and measurement demonstrations and a review of data, including the use of colour contour maps.

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